Analyze Data. Make Decisions. Improve Management.
Synerion Analytics provides managers with advanced analysis and reporting capabilities, using reports and graphic displays of integrated data. The system supports managers in making decisions that affect the cost, productivity, and management of your organization’s human resources.
The intuitive and user-friendly interface allows for free data analysis and display of complex metrics in various dimensions.
Thus you can respond to problematic issues and trends with immediate corrective action, monitor results over time, and help meet the targets set by strategic and operational plans.
Synerion Analytics – Insights for Informed Decision Making

- In-depth information and decision-making capabilities based on analysis and comparison of data, available across Synerion systems
- Increased transparency through multi-dimensional graphic displays and the ability to drill down into data
- Tracking changes, trends strength and weakness that affect organizational performance
- Quick response and instant corrective action by managers to issues identified as problematic
- Reports sharing to implement a single version of the truth facts within the organization.
Synerion Analytics – a Comprehensive View
- Dashboard for the selection and customization of metrics view
- Periodic analysis in terms of work hours, absences, overtime and other pay categories such as types of overtime, shifts and more, per employee, division and any organizational hierarchy
- Comparison of pay periods / hours analysis
- Punching control for the identification of excessive amount of manual changes per employee / department
- Easy to use and intuitive user interface.